Friday, July 10, 2009

From this day forward she shall be called Megan.

In my 35 years I've had A LOT of friends. But as people change, friendships end and we all move on. I know, I know - I've blogged about real life friends vs online friends before...but here is a new twist...

According to the Urban dictionary (meaning #3) a Best Friend is:
"Someone you can totally be yourself around and not give a care in the world about your actions or feelings because they won't judge you for the stupid things you may do or say."

I also would define a BF that way..but (here's the tricky part), what qualifies one to be given the title of a Best Friend. I mean just because I say something stupid once and a person still stays friends with me doesnt mean that they automatically move up to BF status...right? And then there's this: do you actually have to know someone in real life for them to be considered a friend above all others, or does conversing daily with a person on the Internet count too? I mean, I dont care what a person does for a living or what someone looks does it matter if I never see them in real life? To me its like-who cares.

So this brings me to my final dilemma, and its a doozie. Do you have to know someones real name to make them a friend? SHOULD you know it before declaring to the world that this person is my BFF? I mean, my online name for almost everything is That_Girl_Jenn, so its pretty easy to deduce my actual name, (for those of you who may be kinda challenged in the brain area, its Jennifer, aka Jenn). But what if a person goes by- littlebuttercup or IheartPuppies? If a person chooses to remain somewhat anonymous is that such a bad thing?

Maybe Im weird, but I dont think its that big of deal really. To me, a best friend is someone who is there for you when you need them, its the person who laughs at your dumb jokes and immediately notices when your down. A best friend is someone who always makes you feel good about yourself, and always points out the positives.

And that is why my best friend is..well, she knows who she is. I dont want to invade her privacy by telling the world her online name, but trust me...she is the very definition of a best friend. And since I dont know her actual birth given name, I have decided to give her a name of my own choosing. Actually, its the name that I secretly gave her when we first became friends, Megan. I know 100% with out a doubt that that is not her real name..but it's the name I came up with using her online signature. It works for me, and knowing my'll work for her too.

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