Monday, July 6, 2009

Can I get a hook up?

I am such a social media junkie. I nearly called myself a Social media whore, but that might be going a bit too far...though, if Twitter paid me to get new members, etc...Ok THEN I would be a social media whore.

It all started off with MySpace. Even though I still like it, apparently it's fallen out of favor with everyone over the age of 12. So I joined Facebook, which is becoming addicting. One of the things I loved about MySpace was the ability to personalize it..and now that Im learning how to do that on Facebook, I love it. I can keep in touch easier with family and friends, and in all honesty, Ive connected much more with people here than I ever did on MySpace.

I naturally progressed to to Twitter, which I admit is my drug of choice. Twitter is my own personal brand of heroin (to quote Twilight and prove how much of a nerd I truly am). But how can I not love Twitter? I've made lots of new friends, and maybe one day I'll actually meet some of them in real life. There are actually events like WVFN(West Valley Friday Nights for those of us on the West Side<----throw up any gang signs that you want here, lol.) Not only that, I've learned alot on Twitter too. When one of my 'twiends' suggests a web site I always go check it out, and some of them I find interesting.

And now, my newest thing... FourSquare. Again, Thanks Twitter. And again, one of my 'twiends' suggested it. And the social media junkie that I am, I followed suit. Its not too bad, kinda fun. Its hard to explain to people though. Its sort of a game, but its a game that is designed to get you out and finding all those little hidden gems that are tucked away in your city. You can earn different badges by checking in at different places, and leave reviews or "To-Do's" as recommendations. I have been playing around with it for a few days, so I don't really have all the details straight. Im sure I'll have an update on my opinion soon though.

Ok, so now that I have come out of the closet and admitted that I have a problem, I need you all to help feed it. What are your favorite social media applications? What do you get out of them? What are sites you can't live without? Come on guys, hook me up!

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