Wednesday, July 8, 2009

The dream of a dreamer!

So here it is, almost 1am and yet again, Im still awake. I often try to go to bed early, but it seems like most nights I just cant turn my brain off. And tonight is no exception. Although what's different than usual is that tonight I actually have something positive running through my mind, not the usual sadness or dread. Tonight I am all consumed by something relatively new for me...Hope!!

Yes, hope.

Now, Im feeling all happy and positive at the moment, but at the same time Im being cautious..and I dont want to jinx myself. That being said, Im not going to go into to much detail about my big idea, other than to say it involves me having my own little business online. Im a HUGE fan of a website called, Esty. It's THE place to buy and sell all things hand made. And thats all Im going to say about it for the time being. I have a lot of planning and work to do before this plan of mine can come to fruition.

Ive had a lot of ups and downs over the last couple of years, and Ive learned so much about myself...both good and bad. And now I've realized that what was missing in my life was a goal, a dream, a hope. But now Im back Baby, and this dreamer has a dream!!!


  1. I love Etsy, I used to want to have a shop there, but I like putting my arts on T-Shirts at Zazzle, I am quite the crafty artist if you ever need help or want to partner in anything!

  2. Definately something I will keep in mind!!
    Ok, you are the first one to know, but Im working on some jewelry right now. Simple earrings, beaded bracelets and necklaces. It'll take me a bit to get enough made to have a decent selection..Im working in fall colors, since it wont be until Sept at the very earliest that I get it up and running. But its very exciting for me!! And its super cool that you might be interested in doing some stuff together. We'll have to talk about it. Btw, thanks for reading my blog...I think your the only one that actually does, but I dont care..I dont do it for anyone but myself.
