Tuesday, July 28, 2009

I Love Washington!

The reason's why I love being back in Washington:

W-WHEN it rains it pours!




I- IKEA Renton Days



T- TULIPS (Skagit Valley Tulip Festival)

O- OCEAN Shores!!


Monday, July 27, 2009

L.A.Z.Y.<-----Thats me!

So I got back from my mini vacay today---ok, fine..I technically got back yesterday. But now Im even more unmotivated than ever!! I promise-I'll be back online tomorrow filling you all in on my trip...but right now, im just to damn LAZY!!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

How many seashells?

Wow, it seems like its been quite a while since I last posted anything here..but as many of you know, I am on vacation! Tomorrow starts the beginning of my mini-vaca. Its really a vacation within a vacation, and Im super excited about it. You see, I am headed off to Ocean Shores, Washington. Well, actually, Pacific Beach. We are going to stay in a little privately owned hotel and Im not sure if they offer Internet connection or if they might possibly be in the 21st century and have wi-fi. So heres the deal...if I can, I'll update my mini vaca daily. And if not, then I'll have to update you when I return. And I rest assured, I will surely let you know how many sea shells by the sea I found!!!

Friday, July 17, 2009

Things that make you go hmmmm.

Upon reflection it always amazes me how I allow people to influence my mood. If someone hurts my feelings it totally ruins my day. I dont think thats normal...I should be the one who is in control of the way I feel. I wonder how one gets to be that way. Anyways, its just something I've been thinking about tonight.

10 Things I Hate About You--Yes You!

Tonight Im going to keep this, short, sweet and to the point. These are the top ten things I hate about people:

1. I hate people who lie.
2. I hate people who are always late.
3. I hate people who are mean.
4. I hate people who are self centered.

Hmmmm...Maybe I only have a top 4. I guess I dont hate that many people after all. I need to come up with some more reasons. I'll work on it and get back to you guys.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

She's a screamer!

Have you ever been so mad that you just want to scream your head off? Thats the way Im feeling right now. Im so fucking pissed off-and I just need to let it all out. Really what I need to do is let it go. Hmm. I didnt see that coming.

Wow, I logged in here this morning to have a verbal screaming session, but I think I shall hold off on that and ponder this new revelation. Seriously, I think what I need to do is just 'let it go'. That isnt going to be easy, but perhaps it'll be healthier.

Interesting. Okay, thats it then. Quick and short and not at all what I thought I'd be blogging about...maybe this girl can change after all. We'll see if Im able to trade in my love of screaming about things into a love of just getting rid of it-emotionally. I'll let you know how it works out.

One flamming mess.

Im so pissed at myself right now. Seriously, Im getting really sick and tired of setting myself up for disaster time after time. I mean, I know what I want and I know what I need, so why do I keep trying to fit a square peg in a round hole?

It is making me so frustrated with myself. I want to be a grown up and do things on my own, for myself, but I keep making stupid mistakes. And what makes it worse is that Im not learning from these mistakes...its like, if you burn your hand on a hot burner, you dont touch it again, right? Why then is it so tough for me to stop touching the damn flaming hot mess that keeps coming into my life?

Ugh!!! I just dont know. Maybe Im suffering from the Martyrdom syndrome but then...no one is feeling sorry for me, but me, so that would be pretty idiotic. But then again, it wouldnt be the first dumb thing that Ive done-right?

Anyways, I guess the only way to stop letting myself down is to grow a pair. Lol, or maybe I should just grow a spine and learn how to say 'enough is enough, and no is no'. But its so hard to do.

I guess one of my twitter peeps said it best when she said- "It's hard to realize your decision is the right one, especially when you wish it weren't." Now, if I could just stick to my decisions I'd be golden.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

A place to start

Its hard starting a business! There is so much to do, so many things to think about and consider..I guess I never really thought about how much went into 'doing your own thing'.

But besides all the legal stuff, and all the prep work...the absolute hardest thing for me-is trying to come up with a name for my little adventure in jewelry making. Actually, I had a dream last night and a name came to me....but Im second guessing myself. Ive been told to trust your instincts, but which instinct do I go with-the original one or the 'i dont know' one?

Anyways, whether I have a name yet or not is not the most important thing right now, to me-its: WILL, DETERMINATION AND DEDICATION. And that my friends I have plenty of, all in all, I guess thats-a good place to start.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Hot Tea and a Scarf!

Tonight I find myself thinking about my grandma. She died on my birthday 3 years ago, shortly after my mom passed away. I think that I was in such deep grief over my mom that I never really grieved for my grandma. It was just something that happened. I mean, I knew it was going to happen, she had Alzheimer's and she was ill for a very long time. But tonight Im really really thinking about her and missing her.

My grandma was great. She was from Scotland and I have so many fond memories of her. Every year on Christmas eve we would go to her house for our family party. There was always a pretty tree, lots of laughter, a pile of presents, and fabulous food. We always had sausage rolls, apple pie, salmon spread, and of course tea. I remember that when it was warm, she would take me and my sister to the beach, where we would build sandcastles and play in the surf. Oh, and the candy!! Every two years she would go back to Scotland to visit family and friends, and she would always-always bring us back a huge bag of English and Scottish candies. Yumm-o!

I think that maybe the pain of losing her is hitting me hard right now because Im back in my home state, with my family. While visiting Washington, Im staying with my Aunt Shirley, who is my dad's sister, and my grandmas only daughter. I feel grandma everywhere here...and yet I still miss her. I want to ask my aunt or my dad where grandma is buried, because I feel like I have to visit her. No one is making me, but deep down in my soul I feel the need.

Anyways, since Im missing her so much Im trying out one of her old Scottish home remedies for my cold. Of course she made me a tea drinker, so I have a hot steamy mug of Red Rose tea with one teaspoon of sugar. But Im also wearing one of her scarves tied tightly around my neck. My aunt told me that grandma always wore this scarf when she wasnt feeling good and it supposedly made her feel better.

Im pretty sure that most home remedies are hogwash..but if my Grandma believed this worked, then I believe it too! Hot tea and a scarf-who knew?!?

Friday, July 10, 2009

From this day forward she shall be called Megan.

In my 35 years I've had A LOT of friends. But as people change, friendships end and we all move on. I know, I know - I've blogged about real life friends vs online friends before...but here is a new twist...

According to the Urban dictionary (meaning #3) a Best Friend is:
"Someone you can totally be yourself around and not give a care in the world about your actions or feelings because they won't judge you for the stupid things you may do or say."

I also would define a BF that way..but (here's the tricky part), what qualifies one to be given the title of a Best Friend. I mean just because I say something stupid once and a person still stays friends with me doesnt mean that they automatically move up to BF status...right? And then there's this: do you actually have to know someone in real life for them to be considered a friend above all others, or does conversing daily with a person on the Internet count too? I mean, I dont care what a person does for a living or what someone looks like..so does it matter if I never see them in real life? To me its like-who cares.

So this brings me to my final dilemma, and its a doozie. Do you have to know someones real name to make them a friend? SHOULD you know it before declaring to the world that this person is my BFF? I mean, my online name for almost everything is That_Girl_Jenn, so its pretty easy to deduce my actual name, (for those of you who may be kinda challenged in the brain area, its Jennifer, aka Jenn). But what if a person goes by- littlebuttercup or IheartPuppies? If a person chooses to remain somewhat anonymous is that such a bad thing?

Maybe Im weird, but I dont think its that big of deal really. To me, a best friend is someone who is there for you when you need them, its the person who laughs at your dumb jokes and immediately notices when your down. A best friend is someone who always makes you feel good about yourself, and always points out the positives.

And that is why my best friend is..well, she knows who she is. I dont want to invade her privacy by telling the world her online name, but trust me...she is the very definition of a best friend. And since I dont know her actual birth given name, I have decided to give her a name of my own choosing. Actually, its the name that I secretly gave her when we first became friends, Megan. I know 100% with out a doubt that that is not her real name..but it's the name I came up with using her online signature. It works for me, and knowing my bff..it'll work for her too.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

The dream of a dreamer!

So here it is, almost 1am and yet again, Im still awake. I often try to go to bed early, but it seems like most nights I just cant turn my brain off. And tonight is no exception. Although what's different than usual is that tonight I actually have something positive running through my mind, not the usual sadness or dread. Tonight I am all consumed by something relatively new for me...Hope!!

Yes, hope.

Now, Im feeling all happy and positive at the moment, but at the same time Im being cautious..and I dont want to jinx myself. That being said, Im not going to go into to much detail about my big idea, other than to say it involves me having my own little business online. Im a HUGE fan of a website called, Esty. It's THE place to buy and sell all things hand made. And thats all Im going to say about it for the time being. I have a lot of planning and work to do before this plan of mine can come to fruition.

Ive had a lot of ups and downs over the last couple of years, and Ive learned so much about myself...both good and bad. And now I've realized that what was missing in my life was a goal, a dream, a hope. But now Im back Baby, and this dreamer has a dream!!!

Monday, July 6, 2009

Can I get a hook up?

I am such a social media junkie. I nearly called myself a Social media whore, but that might be going a bit too far...though, if Twitter paid me to get new members, etc...Ok THEN I would be a social media whore.

It all started off with MySpace. Even though I still like it, apparently it's fallen out of favor with everyone over the age of 12. So I joined Facebook, which is becoming addicting. One of the things I loved about MySpace was the ability to personalize it..and now that Im learning how to do that on Facebook, I love it. I can keep in touch easier with family and friends, and in all honesty, Ive connected much more with people here than I ever did on MySpace.

I naturally progressed to to Twitter, which I admit is my drug of choice. Twitter is my own personal brand of heroin (to quote Twilight and prove how much of a nerd I truly am). But how can I not love Twitter? I've made lots of new friends, and maybe one day I'll actually meet some of them in real life. There are actually events like WVFN(West Valley Friday Nights for those of us on the West Side<----throw up any gang signs that you want here, lol.) Not only that, I've learned alot on Twitter too. When one of my 'twiends' suggests a web site I always go check it out, and some of them I find interesting.

And now, my newest thing... FourSquare. Again, Thanks Twitter. And again, one of my 'twiends' suggested it. And the social media junkie that I am, I followed suit. Its not too bad, kinda fun. Its hard to explain to people though. Its sort of a game, but its a game that is designed to get you out and finding all those little hidden gems that are tucked away in your city. You can earn different badges by checking in at different places, and leave reviews or "To-Do's" as recommendations. I have been playing around with it for a few days, so I don't really have all the details straight. Im sure I'll have an update on my opinion soon though.

Ok, so now that I have come out of the closet and admitted that I have a problem, I need you all to help feed it. What are your favorite social media applications? What do you get out of them? What are sites you can't live without? Come on guys, hook me up!

Saturday, July 4, 2009


Happy 4Th of July!!!

After watching an amazing fireworks display at Gas Works Park I feel a renewed sense of patriotism.

I am truly grateful for each and every man and woman who has served this country.

I am truly grateful for the freedom that I enjoy and take for granted.

and more than anything----I AM PROUD TO BE AN AMERICAN!!!

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Hello from under an umbrella

Hello from the rainy state of Washington!! I've been here for 2 days now and words can not explain how great Im feeling. The only way I can possibly describe it is this way-Im home. I've been gone from here for roughly 12 years now and although I've always missed it, I dont think I fully appreciated just how much.

Immediately upon the decent into Sea-Tac airport, the majestic Mt. Saint Helen's and Mt. Rainer greeted me. The lush green forest lept up from below and the beautiful Puget Sound came into view. Once I was in the car and on the way to my aunts house I became fascinated by the amount of hills that I saw. It felt like we were driving for miles, up and up and up. I felt like it was Christmas time, and I was given the greatest gift ever.

People always say that you never really know what you've lost until its gone, and its true. But in the past 48 hours I've learned that the phrase doesnt only apply to people...it also applies to places. I've always missed Washington, but until I came back I didnt realize how much apart of me this place is. It's in me..in my soul, and now I know, more than ever before, where I belong. Now I just have to convince my dad to sell the house and move up here.