Myspace, Facebook, Twitter, Friendster. With all of these social networking sites, where do real life friendships fit in?
A few days from now I'll be 35 years old and I can count the number of real life friends that I have on one hand-minus the thumb. But if you ask me how many Internet friends I have and the number doubles, maybe even triples. How did this happen? Is it normal?
I guess my problem is that I don't go anywhere, I don't do theoretically, its impossible for me to meet people. Once in a while I'll meet someone at work who becomes a friend...but how long do those friendships last? Until someone changes jobs and you don't have quite as many things in common.
Now online..its different. Nobody cares what you look like or what you do for a living. People are friendly and chatty and it's easy to get attached. I talk to the same people every day and its hard for me to not consider them friends. But are they really?
I can only speak for myself, but I'm finding that the Internet is becoming a crutch. It allows me to be in my own little world, yet not be lonely. But there is a downside to this and its a biggie. It's called human interaction. So, I've come to the conclusion that I need to put myself out there. I need to become public again, and I need to make some real friends.
I'm afraid of making a fool of myself but I'm far more afraid of being alone. So thats it...operation make new friends has begun!
I am glad to finally hear that you are done with him. I hope you stick to this and not go back with him. He will ruin your life Jennifer, especially in your father's house. I need you to call me before you leave for vacation.