Saturday, June 20, 2009

Catching some Zzzzzzz's

So, for several months now I've been suffering from bouts of insomnia. I can remember very specifically when it first was the first day of my vacation in Texas. It was the beginning of March and I went to go visit my sister and her girlie's. I didnt sleep for the first 3 days that I was there. I may have dozed off here and there for 15 minutes or so, but for the most part I was wide awake. Well, on day one I was. But by day 3 I was feeling zombie like and it totally began affecting my attitude. This led to a big blow up with my sister on day 4, which Im sure was totally my fault. Thankfully, physical and mental exhaustion finally kicked in and I was able to sleep. After that, it seemed like I was okay for a week or so, but once I got home it started all over again. Although Im not sure it was technically insomnia since I was able to get 2-3 hours of sleep pretty much every night.

On a whim I looked on webmd to see if there were any recommendations for getting a good nights sleep. They recommended avoiding caffeine and not eating after 6pm..but the main thing that caught my eye was the information on depression. According to the article that I read, depression is one of the leading causes of sleep related issues.

I pretty much forgot about that once my sleep patterns began to become normal again. Until a few weeks ago. I think it started when my dad went to Washington to visit family. The only reason why I think it might have affected me is because I was alone. The few nights Alejandro stayed here with me helped..but when he was gone-hello insomnia! Yet even after my dad came home my sleep wasnt normal..I'm either up all night, maybe getting one or two hours of sleep or Im up all night and so tired during the day that I end up just laying around. There are times when I feel tired, but it seems like if I dont go to bed and shut off the tv right when I begin getting tired, the feeling seems to pass and I end up wide awake again.

When I was younger-oh hell, even 6 months ago, it was fun to stay up all night partying or hanging out. But being home in my comfy bed and not being able to sleep is not fun to me..and its really beginning to affect my health. Im sure its one of the reasons I seem to gain weight, I eat at all hours of the day, and then Im to tired to workout--even on the days when I actually want to. Plus, its messing up my emotional state as well. Im starting to have very high highs and very low lows-almost manic. I tried to talk to my doctor about it last week, but I was informed that in the managed health care system, she is only allotted 15 minutes with each patient...and she wanted me to make another appointment. Well, that's fine and dandy..but what am I supposed to do in the mean time?

Anyways, that's whats happening in my life right now. Nothing exciting, or even interesting. I'd love to hear some ideas on overcoming sleep issues, if anyone has any. But right now it's 2:16am and Im going to try to get some Zzzzzzzzzzz's.

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