Friday, October 16, 2009

What a sack of shit!

     Omg!! I should start re-reading what I write before I post it. That last update I did was total crap!!

     Here's what I should have written, but didnt:

     Ive been super lazy and a little self destructive and havent done a damn thing since my last post. Ive looked for a job here and there, but basically Ive been laying around waiting for one to just fall into my lap. Until today that is. Today I got my ass out of bed bright and early and actually went looking for places that were hiring. I filled out a dozen or so applications today alone and will do the same thing tomorrow and the next day and so on until I finally find something. I guess you could say that Im being pro-active now. And its about damn time, isnt it?!? (Its okay to agree with me)...Ive had 35 long years to realize this, but its only recently occoured to me that life is what you make it. And as of yet, I havent made anything of myself...but that is not the person that I want to be. I might not ever be famous or important, but I promise you this (no, screw you...I promise myself this) I will be a productive member or society-not just some lazy sack of skin that wastes time and contributes nothing.
     So there you go. Thats the real deal, and thats whats happenning here. I guess I could go back and delete that last post, but Im not going to. Im just going to leave it there as a reminder that if nothing else I have to be honest with myself.

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