Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Happy Birthday Mom!

Today would have been my mom's 64th birthday. She died 3 years ago and not a day goes by where I dont think of her and miss her. People say that it gets easier with time, but it sure hasnt gotten easier for me. I mean, Im not a crying mess all the time any more, but I do have my moments-my days, where I just miss her so much that I cant stop crying. Especially on important days, and anniversary's of events. And yes, I still talk to her. I talk to her on almost a daily basis..if for no other reason than to say, "I love you".

So on this day, the day that my mom would have celebrated her birthday, I want to take this opportunity to warn all of my readers of the hazards of smoking. My mom died of COPD-which is chronic obstructive pulminary disorder. Basically its emphazema and even though she had other health problems that may not have been caused by smoking, smoking certainly made it worse--and eventually took her from her loved ones way before she was ready to go. People call cigarettes cancer sticks for a reason and I ask you, no I beg you all to quit smoking right now. I know that it will be hard, and ok-your going to be really grumpy for a week or so, but I promise you this--no one will remember how much of an asshole you were for that week. Your loved ones will only remember how much you love them and how you did this for them. I know that my mom wouldnt have wanted to pass away at the early age of 60. She was so young and had so much life left to live--but the cancer sticks took her...please dont let your family and friends go through the agony of losing you to early. They love you and they want you to be in their lives. Just as much as I loved my mom and wish that she could still be here with me in my life.

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