Tuesday, September 28, 2010

You think you got problems??? Well at least you know what they are.

I've always thought of myself as a nice, kind, good person, and a great friend. I've always gone out of my way to make sure that people know that I like them for who they are, not for what they have. And to make sure that they knew it when ever I visited I always made sure that I paid for everything...just because I never wanted anyone to feel used.  It never, ever occurred to me that by doing this I was opening the door for people to just use me. It never once thought that the reason people invited me over to hang out or to go do something was because they knew that Jennifer Moneybags would make sure that everyone had a good time. I truly thought that it was because they liked me. 
So it sucks for me to finally admit that my old friend Corrina was right when she said that some people 'mistake kindness for weakness and they will use it against you'. Now that Ive officially become broke ass Jennifer the list of contacts in my phone is drying up. A while ago I started going through my phonebook and deleting everyone who hasn't contacted me in the last few months. I've also deleted everyone who promises to call me back, is never around when I need a favor, or who only reaches out to me when they need something. I've literally edited 90% of the people I once considered friends. But other than greatly reducing the number of minutes I use each month on my phone it hasn't done a damn thing to make me feel better. In fact, I feel really shitty about everything. Basically, I was paying people to be my friend. I mean how lame is that? And to top it off my all ready low self esteem has plummeted to depths that I didn't even know existed. I've opened up a huge emotional can of worms that I'm struggling with.  I don't know who I am anymore. And worse than that is not knowing how to use this as a growing experience and let it shape me into a better person when I thought all along that I was a good person. I'm constantly wondering whats wrong with me. Am I so horrible of a person that it was only tolerable to around if I was picking up the Tab? If so, then what do I do to become a better person...and if not, then what WHAT IS MY PROBLEM?

Monday, August 23, 2010

Thanks Shelby!

"You gotta stop wearing your wishbone where your backbone oughtta be." --Shelby Nilsen

Thanks Shelby..that was all the inspiration that I needed to get myself back on track.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Hey, pass the sugar!

      I'm doing pretty good (if I do say so myself) on my plan to eliminate soda from my life. I'm on day 5 and haven't cheated at all. Ive probably been drinking 5 or 6 bottles of water (20 oz) a day--and trust me, Ive been peeing ALOT! But tonight as I was watching Big Brother I realized that Ive kicked one bad habit and replaced it with 2 others. Yeah, that's right..2!! others. I've started drinking hot tea like its going out of style. And, I'm popping sunflower seeds one right after another. I guess drinking tea isn't that bad-unless you add 4 packets of sugar like I do. And the seeds wouldn't be that bad if they weren't covered in salt...and if I only ate a small hand full.
     So, now I don't know what I'm going to do. I'm trying to be healthier, but I still have 'issues'. I guess the best thing to do for now is to just keep doing what Ive been doing--(no smart asses, not give up!). I think in the long run its better for me to be soda free. Maybe in a week or two I'll tackle one of my two new addictions...but until then-where the hell are my seeds?

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Hello, hello, hello....is she dead or what?!?

Its day three in my new life without soda and...IM DYING! That's all I can say right now. Stay tuned for more updates.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Happy Birthday Mom!

Today would have been my mom's 65th birthday. She died 4 years ago and not a day goes by where I dont think of her and miss her. People say that it gets easier with time, but it sure hasnt gotten easier for me. I mean, Im not a crying mess all the time any more, but I do have my moments-my days, where I just miss her so much that I cant stop crying. Especially on important days, and anniversary's of events. And yes, I still talk to her. I talk to her on almost a daily basis..if for no other reason than to say, "I love you".

So on this day, the day that my mom would have celebrated her birthday, I want to take this opportunity to warn all of my readers of the hazards of smoking. My mom died of COPD-which is chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder. Basically its emphysema and even though she had other health problems that may not have been caused by smoking, smoking certainly made it worse--and eventually took her from her loved ones way before she was ready to go. People call cigarettes cancer sticks for a reason and I ask you, no I beg you all to quit smoking right now. I know that it will be hard, and ok-your going to be really grumpy for a week or so, but I promise you this--no one will remember how much of an asshole you were for that week. Your loved ones will only remember how much you love them and how you did this for them. I know that my mom wouldnt have wanted to pass away at the early age of 60. She was so young and had so much life left to live--but the cancer sticks took her...please dont let your family and friends go through the agony of losing you to early. They love you and they want you to be in their lives. Just as much as I loved my mom and wish that she could still be here with me in my life.

***This is the same post I wrote one year ago today. It perfectly expresses how I feel so I just re-posted it. Hope you dont mind.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

The first step is always the hardest.

Ive heard that the first step in recovery is to admit that your an addict...so here goes. 'Hello. My name is Jennifer and Im an addict. Im addicted to Diet Coke and I need help.' I thought I had my habit under control until I realized that Im drinking (on average) five 12oz cans per day. Thats 60 ounces of soda! And it is not acceptable anymore. Supposedly Diet Coke has 0 calories but I have a suspicion that in reality its not as diet-y as it claims to be.

So, here's the plan. I have 4 cans of soda left and when that's gone (which if history repeats itself like it usually does I should be out tomorrow) Im off soda. For good. I hope. I have a feeling that the first few days are going to be tough-probably more so for those around me...but once I get through the withdrawls it should be easy peazy-right?

Monday, August 9, 2010

Im baaaaacccckkk!

     I'd say that over the last 8 months Ive thought about my blog maybe 3 times. Seriously, I pretty much forgot all about it until about a week ago. I was looking at the profile of one of my Tweeps and  noticed that he had a blog. After checking it out (and stealing one of his quotes and posting it as my own on Facebook) I decided that it was about damn time I started writing mine again. Not that Im under the impression that Im important or that what I have to say matters, but what the fuck...it matters to me.
     Anyways, I still dont have any freakin' idea about blog design or html (what the fuck is that?) so Im going to spend tonight TRYING to fix my ugly background and maybe re-organize a few things, and then-watch out baby....because I'm baaaaaccccckkkk!